
Bio_mechanical type art.


This paint job I painted back in 2006. this was the first I had done anything like this.

I can tell you that I had an absolute blast with this. I could paint this stuff all the time.

the customer gave me some photos he found from this artist. at that point I looked it over set it aside and tried to make it my own.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Biomechanical art (also called Biomech) is a surrealistic style of art that combines elements of machines with organics. Rendered with distinct realism, biomechanical art expresses an internal fantasy world, most typically represented with human or animal anatomy where bones and joints are replaced with metal pistons and gears, but infused with muscles and tendons.

Biomechanical art was popularized in 1979 when Swiss artist H.R. Giger designed the alien creatures in the 1979 feature film Alien. 

the customer gave me some photos he found from this artist H.R. Giger .  i looked it over set it aside and tried to make it my own.


Take note with the photos there are a few shots from when I started working on it. Gives you a little in site on how I approached it.